Birthday : December 27, 1966 in Tulsa , Oklahoma , USA
Birth Name : William Scott Goldberg
Nickname : Da Man
Height : 6 '2 ½
He was then signed by the Falcons where he played for three years before he suffered a torn abdominal muscle.
He was drafted by the Panthers in the expansion draft 95, but could not play .
He would lose the title at Starrcade December 98 in a match that was also his first loss as a professional wrestler.
He then began a feud with Bret Hart during their Starrcade 99 match Bret began in the head so hard that Bret suffered a career -ending injury .
Goldberg is so dedicated to his training regime he built a gym room above his garage and it gets there at 5:30 .
Rather than lifting heavy loads intense that he wore a body NFL and WWE , it performs this type of routine maintenance when it comes to his training workout routine.
Goldberg made explosive movements such as Olympic snatches , deadlifts , and squats , but uses much less weight now than him.
Goldberg is big on muscle confusion and goes to the gym with a new plan every day.
More weight , Goldberg performs kickboxing and did a lot of stretching . Goldberg said " a muscle is a stronger muscle. "
DAY : 1

Fragments of light
Olympic Squats
Weighted Back Extensions
DAY : 2
Heavy fragments
Cleans light
Close- Grip Incline Press
weighted dips
DAY : 3
Push Presses Behind the Neck
T -Bar Rows
Weighed Close- Grip Pull-Ups
Standing Sit- Ups
DAY: 4
High Jumpers
Military Press
dumbbell clean and press
Decline dumbbell Press
Standing Sit- Ups
Goldberg is high in protein and low in fat. He eats 12 egg whites and a yellow for breakfast with a half pound of turkey bacon .
To burn fat throughout the day, he has a half- pot of coffee a day .
If he does not get enough sleep , then make sure to take naps during the day.